
We're going to save the world.
Here's how.
Jonathon Childs
Dawn Brownell
& Jason Kaufman

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Poverty Eradication and Population Stabilization

Chapters 7-10 of our glorious book Plan B 4.0 are chock full of equally important problems and solutions, as is the nature of the material. Something I've been passionate about for years is the dire need for a stable population. There is a fantastic passage within the first pages of the book which reads, "The bottom line is that harvest-expanding scientific advances are ever more difficult to come by as crop yields move closer to the inherent limits of photosynthetic efficiency. This limit in turn establishes the upper bounds of the earth's biological productivity, which ultimately will determine is human carrying capacity." We are moving ever closer to said carrying capacity as the human population soars ahead faster than infrastructures can keep up. One major avenue to evolving the overall lifestyle of our planet is by eradicating extreme poverty, or at least a high percentage of it. The United Nations set a commendable goal of reducing the share of the world's population living in extreme poverty by half by 2015, outlined in the U.N. Millennium Development Goal. There are 8 of these goals in total, each accompanied by a array of sub-goals, if you will. Included are these ambitious efforts - ending poverty and hunger, universal education, gender equality, child health, maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, environmental sustainability and global partnership. 


  1. Please note -- deadline for weekly blog is Monday morning.

  2. This post was originally much longer and included pictures. Due to a blogger error (which simply read "aw, snap, something went wrong" it did not save/post. This is the last portion which saved.
